SIP/WebRTC Messaging Server
Sylk Server provides online and offline messaging services for standard SIP end-points and WebRTC clients that support SylkRTC API.
The functionality is similar to what WhatsApp and Telegram offer with the difference that both client and server software are fully open source and based on open standards. Reference Web, Mobile, Desktop implementations and a live service are available for testing and interoperability purposes.
Sylk Server maintains a journal for each user with the messages and their modifications encapsulated using the following standards:
SIP Message method - RFC3261
CPIM Message Format - RFC3862
Instant Message Disposition Notification (IMDN) - RFC5438
SIP offline messages can by synced between all devices by applying the journal of operations for each user.
For real time synchronization of online devices, standard SIP parallel forking is used.
The storage is transparent for end-users and it is up to the end-user devices to encrypt the payloads before sending them out by using an OpenPGP implementation.
Sylk Server has support for managing the public and private keys for PGP encrypted messages.
Message replication between multiple devices
File transfers
Message delivery and display reports
Message deletion, partial or per contact
Tracks remaining unread messages
Incremental journal per account
Distributed storage support using Cassandra
Mobile push notifications
PGP public/private keys management
Install Sylk Server and enable webrtc_gateway application.
There is nothing else to configure (zero configuration).
However if a minimal functional configuration for inter-operating with SylkServer and generic SIP devices and Web clients is required , a comprehensive guide is available. This guide has instructions on how to install SylkServer and related dependencies on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux server.
The functions are documented in this JavaScript API:
Sample clients
Complete fully featured clients implementing Sylk messaging API:
Sylk Mobile:
Sylk Web and Desktop:
SIP clients for Terminal:
Content types
Sylk Server handle in special ways different content types.
Allows a SIP device to retrieve an authentication token that can be later used for authorization to retrieve the journal using HTTP requests.
SENDING: Packet 60, +0:01:52.503136 2021-11-15 14:33:07.194842: -(SIP over TLS)-> MESSAGE SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj8MUCkGXTF7nXCTYxcMHYL5tzC8p2j-;alias From: <>;tag=ePBmQXDzJCFfRZR3FekS3mTjCsapf To: <> Call-ID: X6saJssTX.wmSZYDf2GrZXOAoGMiEBh0 User-Agent: Blink 8.7.0 (MacOSX) Content-Type: application/sylk-api-token Content-Length: 14 I need a token
RECEIVED: Packet 62, +0:01:52.816791 2021-11-15 14:33:07.508497: -(SIP over TCP)-> MESSAGE sip:46139205@;transport=tcp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKf3d6.33c61951.0;i=57fa5934 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;received=;rport=35305;branch=z9hG4bKPj5eb777ff-0026-44b0-b17b-9d468fe76931;alias From: "SylkServer" <sip:sylkserver@>;tag=7449abda-1da-4df3-b8d1-0c94cb031f18 To: <> Call-ID: 3507f82d-f027-4d3a-bfb6-3efb4655caa1 User-Agent: SylkServer-6.0.0 Content-Type: application/sylk-api-token Content-Length: 153 {"token": "iKQI7svOtyGkfsfsfsh9qGstVUOnTgrFxpo1ik40", "url": ""}
By sending a GET to the URL, one can retrieve the journal since the last id.
if last_id: url = "%s/%s" % (url, account.sms.history_last_id) req = urllib.request.Request(url, method="GET") req.add_header('Authorization', 'Apikey %s' % account.sms.history_token)
Typically the request is sent every time the device connects to the network and then saves the last id that can be used later to resume the journal processing.
Allows a SIP device to retrieve an public pgp key stored on the server. The To-Header is used to specify the user for which the key needs to be found
MESSAGE SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj8MUCkGXTF7nXCTYxcMHYL5tzC8p2j-;alias From: <>;tag=ePBmQXDzJCFfRZR3FekS3mTjCsapf To: <> Call-ID: X6saJssTX.wmSZYDf2GrZXOAoGMiEBh0 User-Agent: Blink 8.7.0 (MacOSX) Content-Type: application/sylk-api-pgp-key-lookup Content-Length: 14 I need a public key
MESSAGE sip:46139205@;transport=tcp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKf3d6.33c61951.0;i=57fa5934 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;received=;rport=35305;branch=z9hG4bKPj5eb777ff-0026-44b0-b17b-9d468fe76931;alias From: <>;tag=7449abda-1da-4df3-b8d1-0c94cb031f18 To: <> Call-ID: 3507f82d-f027-4d3a-bfb6-3efb4655caa1 User-Agent: SylkServer-6.0.0 Content-Type: text/pgp-public-key Content-Length: .... -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- xsFNBGDQz0cBEACw7ZCd2CIw5udWY5VOV4ZrzvyIdt8idBoUqbUJ6Lm55KVMj7Kh ..... cduwml6F7g== =Xp4B -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Once a user sends out a message with such payload, it will be stored in the user profile and end-points that implement public key fetch function can retrieve the key before starting a conversation.
This is used for end-points to replicate their private keys, so multiple devices can by synchronized.
To replicate messages on multiple devices you need the same private key on all of them.
To be compatible with existing clients the message must be addressed to the same user and the payload must consist of the user PGP public key in clear text followed by the PGP encrypted with a symmetric code private key.
SENDING: Packet 88, +0:35:02.954481 2021-11-15 15:06:17.646187: -(SIP over TLS)-> MESSAGE SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;rport;branch=z9Xb--OH3b91;alias Max-Forwards: 70 From: <>;tag=pPOSjBJx2nm9ZG8DZX-ObDtCfDaqJBDk To: <> Call-ID: bhNsVTpEoFNNqXtNcpm CSeq: 52490 MESSAGE User-Agent: Blink 8.7.0 (MacOSX) Content-Type: text/pgp-private-key Content-Length: 5378 -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- xsFNBGDQz0cBEACw7ZCd2CIw5udWY5VOV4ZrzvyIdt8idBoUqbUJ6Lm55KVMj7Kh 6Lu13BKfV3m04Q3L3b5KboqIsbJLivlpg2YX+vOAAzEDE9BTZN0o+orDWxP1Dz9U LvtloSRoNK1NZj+KkbKfRXUZCMnyXDiN64cYSFLGp0esT/DhyfI09p63dqegl+Ut uenVLzne9PkpdewS0OUmfKUGBY86SPUewwBkFFVxYyIWQu+yJLfMt7jxTHnD3dcT mDaRljMZj6qhzQ2F2sc68KHy2FIeXR9kOxMq8T6aEw0JwAA4rLWWCT6MLEtjDPng cduwml6F7g== =Xp4B -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- O+rMXHZq7rhMlYyBYJFSgVZTn2t58s/3NkTVewwvgstl10BUDgn9zBggElo86duB 2fqwEGCYSny1CLfWtMe/8GBrLd/pCpAWVlzsaI/s/7QbLqW8d0nq1uft8ubRvyWb wIl0lLwuSReeyNcFHw53jpumFQbXYtZRM8UhhKmJoeKwZh++AIYUdG5OlPUb32hF 8mhmr1m1rhxPJTWQvaCsYg== =sZwQ -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
The receiving end-point must decrypt the message and save the PGP keys for future use.
It is advisable to use more than one device and replicate the private key to all of them so that there is still a copy of the private key available in case the main device is lost.
The journal consists of a json file with entries for distinct operations:
Incoming messages
Outgoing messages
Key exchange operations
IMDN notifications
Message removal
Conversation read
Conversation removal
Check the source code of the sample clients for working examples of parsing the journal.
Database management
Using provided sylk-db maintenance tool one can see details about the storage usage or show information about individual accounts.
agp@sylkserver-test:~$sylk-db show ...... Reading configuration from /etc/sylkserver/config.ini ...... ...... ************************ SylkServer - Show account data ************************ ...... ...... Reading storage configuration from /etc/sylkserver/webrtcgateway.ini ...... New Cassandra host <Host: GlobalSwitch> discovered ...... Server has keyspace sipthor with replication strategy: NetworkTopologyStrategy ...... ...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... ...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... Message storage is enabled ...... Last login at: 2021-11-12 12:08:45.356000 ...... ...... 459 messages stored ...... ...... Text Messages: 134 ...... IMDN messages: 308 ...... Other Messages: 17 ...... ...... Unread text Messages: 1 ...... ...... 1 push token(s) stored ...... ...... App: ...... Device ID: 2EBAAC58-D245-48EE-82E6-53FD4EF0D57 ...... Token: cac10301b55661d46b3fbb ... ...... ...... 1 public key(s) stored ...... ...... -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ...... Version: fast-openpgp ...... ...... xsFABGExS1wBEAC660kacrxXINz/1DtZ94p0mJuChgnkKShg0n6cQDbSN7vh2/hs ...... TBYf94eQkYT2gU0ZRBcsJinC6opnQHLTEk3grBHE2fJGU6czoEpej1HZHegVa/D ...... orfZieBFmmH4Sqk8j6I6mNg+UQ2RzI8WAUcXv0hOc9OQzZw3NhoDkDJGXF9bsNTk ...... QoHjlVxX7XFJQui8AecMDrD/h11iF01XuwTOchDCcU5waTlXztyNn2FJVufgX1gd ...... B+kWgOMFu0VWC++N3132KwA4uJb3eoaocZEmRKEM ...... =1sgu ...... -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----